I'm a Software Engineer for Work


I make beautiful iOS apps that are sure to delight young children and very, very slow adults. I'm proficient in Swift, Objective-C, Core Data, Realm, and lots of other cool words.


When I misbehave or forget to make my bed, I'm forced to work on Android. I'm fine at it.


I designed this.


I made it, too.

Dev System

This was part of this WordPress template and I think it sounds cool.


I'll help all 7 of my users with whatever they need, if I'm awake.

I'm a Gamer for Fun

No one pays me to do that, though.

Oh Also

I am very, very sorry for my beard in the page header.

What People Say

People can't stop raving about me. It's honestly embarrassing.
Andrew Zeck

Andrew Zeck

CTO & Founder of Saucey

"Your insolence tries me daily."

Daniel Leeb

Daniel Leeb

CPO & Founder of Saucey

"Get back to work Kip."

Adam Mead

Adam Mead

Growth Marketing Manager of Saucey

"You're so worthless."

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